This is a procedure to tackle problems of the biliary system and pancreas. Usual biliary problems noted in children are narrowing of biliary ducts (strictures), stone (sludge and calculi) and worms impacted in the biliary tree. Likewise, pancreatic ductal congenital abnormalities (pancreatic divisum), pancreatic ductal narrowing (strictures), and stone can be tackled by ERCP. There can be damage to the pancreatic ductal system and enzymes can leak. This can also be tacked by stenting the pancreatic duct.
An ERCPuses x-ray films and performed in x-ray room. The throatis anesthetized with a spray or solution, and the patient is usually mildly sedated. The endoscope is then gently inserted into the ypper esophagus. The patient breathes easily throughout the exam, with gagging rarely occurring. A thin tube is inserted through the endoscope to the main bile ductentering the duodenum. Dye is then injected into this bile duct and / or the pancreatic duct and x-ray films are taken.
The patient lies on his or her left side and then turns onto the stomach to allow complete visualization of the ducts. If a gallstone is found, steps may be taken to remove it. If the duct has become narrowed, an incision can be made using electro cautery (electrical heat) to relieve the blockage. Additionally, it is possible to wide and narrowed ducts and to place small tubing, called stents, in these areas to keep them open. The exam takes 20 to 40 minutes, after which the patient is taken to recovery area.
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A Medical doctor who is specialized in diseases of children and adolescents with expertise in handling all the problems related to digestive system.
Copyright © 2022 Dr Srikanth K P, All rights reserved.
A Medical doctor who is specialized in diseases of children and adolescents with expertise in handling all the problems related to digestive system.