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This is a process of visualizing the gastrointestinal tract through its lumen. A tube with a camera mounted on the tip is inserted through the mouth and a continuous video is recorded to see the lumen (Mucosa). There are various categories such as upper GI endoscopy (when the upper digestive system such as food pipe, stomach and the initial part of small intestine is seen), sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy (when the lower digestive system is seen) and the enteroscopy (when the small intestine is visualized using balloon assisted scope). The instrument (endoscope) comes in different sizes and specifications to fulfill various requirements of the patient such as age and necessity.

The procedure is painless, though there can be some discomfort or funny feelings due to air insufflation. But, in the child (usually less than 14 years) it is done under sedation or anesthesia. Child 14 and above the sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy can be attempted without any anesthesia. Nonetheless, the upper gastrointestinal endoscopy would require sedation. Through these procedures, various interventions are undertaken such as polypectomy, vascular hemostasis, PEG tube insertion as needed. The routine endoscopy and colonoscopy are day-care procedures and children are discharged on the same day.


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